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Grafham Water Top Cast

Grafham Water Top Cast Image
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Having won the Grafham Water England Individual International trophy and the Best Fish Trophy in 2011 with fish up to 7 1/2 lb and caught the record bag weight for 8 fish in 2012 I thought I'd share my secret............

If you are fishing Grafham Water this is my most successful 3* fly set up for a FLOATING or MINI TIP line:-

Shrimp on the top dropper; Plain Cut Throat Cruncher (sx 10) in the middle and Candy Split Blob on the point.

World Champions Tip:- I have had devastating days with these flies and are definately best fished static then a long pause before one slow long pull and allow to sit static for approx 10-15 seconds or so. Repeat until you need to recast.

* I generally fish 4 flies and add a 2nd cut throat cruncher to my cast

Your Price:£3.00
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